
Kia ora e te whānau,
I have registered our group with Community Trust South in order to apply for funding for new uniforms with embroidered logos. This fund will only provide 30% of the total cost which is still better than nothing. Below is the email confirmation.

Account Registration
Hi Caroline Richardson,
Thank you for registering an account for Community Trust South.
To complete the registration, please click the link below:
Please note that the link will only be valid for 24 hours and can only be used once. If 24 hours has already passed, you can get a new one by following the password reset link.
Thank you,
The team at SmartyGrants

Kia ora e te whānau,
Unfortunately we were unsuccessful with our funding request from Te Hau Toka. However we have been incouraged to reapply at the next funding round in February.