Kia ora Tanya,
Wow, I had to think back a little bit to remember that. It was a fantastic occasion for the whanau. Here is our group bank account:

Account Name: Ngā Manu Hou
Account Number: 38-9023-0403241-00
Nā Cory Ratahi


Kia ora koutou
Ki te pei?
I am sorting out some paperwork for the Writers Festival and realise we never gave you a koha after the wonderful mihi you gave at our 2020 event.
Better late than never! Can you please provide a bank account for your group and I will arrange that.

Nga mihi nui

Tanya Surrey
Mactodd Lawyers

Barristers Solicitors Notaries
PO Box 653, Queenstown 9348
New Zealand

DDI: +64 3 441 0215
Mobile: +64 27 437 6909
Fax: +64 3 442 8116
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