In relation to the Activities in a Public Place application for Busking – Community group performing Maori songs.
Our team has considered your request and the application to operate Busking – Community group performing Maori songs has been accepted.
This email acts as your permit to operate as an Activity in a Public Place, if requested this email must be presented. Your permit number is PPL22/0012 this expires on 22 January 2023.
Please ensure that all of the conditions stated below are complied with when undertaking activities in public places.
The pop up stall must be:
· at least 50m from another stall
· at least 3m from any residential, retail or commercial premises unless the stall holder has permission of the owner/occupier of the premises to stand at a closer distance.
The pop up stall holder will not:
· obstruct pedestrian flow
· use an amplified sound system
· have signage no larger than 0.5m2
· have a structure no larger than 2m2
· behave in a manner that in the reasonable opinion of a Council officer causes or is likely to cause an injury or nuisance to any person or damage to any property owned or controlled by the Council
· argue, intimidate, insult or abuse the public
· trade within 200m of the area designated for an event authorised by Council
· Stay in one location for more than one hour (you must move at least 50m from your location each time)
· Will not return to the same location within a 12 hour period.
The Activities in a Public Place Bylaw can be found at link below as well as a map of where you are permitted to operate the activity.
Bylaw –
Map -http://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=5ef5ee037ea44254b8a0e5db407bad05&extent=1257930.8565%2C5004170.9971%2C1258438.8575%2C5004429.7601%2C2193
If you have any queries regarding the above information, please get in touch on Alex.Murdoch@qldc.govt.nz or (03) 441 0499.
Kind regards
Alex Murdoch